1st Battalion

The Argyll and Sutherland


Northern Ireland Tours

All photographs are the property of RHQ Argylls and may not be reproduced or copied without permission from RHQ Argylls.




1st Tour - South Armagh and South Down - 28th July to 28th November 1972

   Link to Web site on the 1972 tour:  http://www.argylls-veterans.co.uk/

2nd Tour - Belfast - 5th March to 17th March 1973

 3rd Tour - Belfast - 12 November 1973 to 24 Feb 1974

Early July 1975 the battalion were put on short notice to move to Northern Ireland. Friday 11th July B Coy, TAC HQ and advance party were sent to Northern Ireland for 3 days, spent weekend guarding Maze prison, arrived back in Mercer Barracks, Osnabruck by midnight Sunday 13th July 1975.

 4th Tour - Belfast - 2nd December 1975 to 4th April 1976

5th Tour - Belfast - 28th October 1977 to 1st March 1978

12/13th January 1979 A and B Coys travelled overnight to Northern Ireland during the petrol tankers strike, but only stayed a couple of days.

 Ballykelly Resident Battalion - 6th March 1980 to 10th March 1982.


Northern Ireland and NI Training Maps

Click on picture to enlarge


6th Tour - Op “Cara Cara” - protection of RUC stations - 12th April 1986 to 29th June 1986.

  7th Tour - Belfast - 10th December 1990 to 8th May 1991

 8th Tour -  Op Luff - 20 March to 30 June 1992

 9th Tour - West Belfast - 6 May to 9 Nov 1994

Redford Barracks, Edinburgh - Province Reserve Battalion - Feb 1997 to Feb 1999

Redford Barracks, Edinburgh - Northern Ireland - January to April 2000

Holywood Resident Battalion - January 2001 to September 2003



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Updated: 11 October 2014